Topics that will be addressed in the Following Mamorim:

For the next few Mamorim the Rebbe Rashab we will be introducing to us three characters: 

Mutbah, Murgosh, and Muskul. These three characters are going to be the theme for the upcoming Mamorim. 

The first character introduced is the Mutbah; the Mutbah is a person whose character is not expressed, hence his actions are more dominant (and his life simple). The Rebbe Rashab illustrates this by an analogy from a physical phenomenon to an embryo in its mother's womb. Whereas the fetus' character is hidden and unknown, the Mutbahs also lacks to express his character, whereupon his actions are most dominant, making his character hidden and unknown. 

The second character Rebbe Rashab introduces is the Murgosh; a Murgosh has a natural and stubborn character. 

The Rebbe Rashab describes his natural and stubborn character as a very Empathetic person, or to a Miser, whose personalities are natural.

The third character the Rebbe Rashab introduces is the Muskul; the Muskul is someone who goes beyond his nature having enormous efforts in inner spiritual self-improvement resulting in complete control over his emotions and intellect, capacious, wide-ranging, compared to Mochin D'gadlut. 

To illustrate this character, the Rebbe writes in a Hayom Yom about the Alter Rebbe. Which states of R. Moshe Vilenker: "Moshe has mochin d'gadlut, magnitude of intellect. In his ten years of toil, he has attained through his labors a powerful, capacious, wide-ranging intellectuality (mochin rechavim)."