Chapter 2
To understand the significance of blowing the shofar on Rosh Hashanah, particularly when it coincides with Shabbos , we need to delve into the deeper meanings of this practice. Rosh Hashanah is fundamentally about re-establishing God's sovereignty, symbolized by the Sefirah of Malchus. This concept is rooted in the creation narrative, where Rosh Hashanah commemorates the creation of Adam, highlighting the beginning of God's kingship over humanity. The blowing of the shofar represents this re-crowning of God as King. On this day, the Sefirah of Malchus is concealed within the Infinite Light (Or Ein Sof), signifying the profound spiritual renewal that takes place.
.ולהבין זה צ"ל תחלה ענין תקיעת שופר בר"ה
In order to understand how when Rosh Hashanah falls on a Shabbos what is achieved by blowing Shofar is automatically achieved when Rosh Hashanah falls on Shabbos, we have to Initially understand the idea of blowing the Shofar on Rosh Hashanah.
דהנה ידוע דעיקר ענין ר"ה הוא בנין המלכות,
As it is known that this is the main idea of Rosh Hashanah is to re-build the Sefirah of Malchus
Rosh Hashanah signifies the establishment of God's sovereignty, a principle highlighted by our sages who teach that we declare God as King before He rules over us. This concept is rooted in the fact that the world was created on the 25th of Elul, it was on the sixth day of creation, with the advent of mankind—the purpose of creation—that Rosh Hashanah gains its profound significance.
The creation of Adam, the first human, marked the beginning of God's sovereignty, as only humans can willingly accept rulership from a king. Animals, (created before humans) do not comprehend this concept of divine kingship. Therefore, every year on Rosh Hashanah, we ceremonially re-crown God as King, restoring the state of sovereignty to its original condition before the act of coronation, as discussed in "L'kitay Torah Netzavim," page 51.
וכמא' אמרו לפני מלכיות כדי שתמליכוני עליכם,
As stated, make me king in order I should rule over you.
להמשיך בחי המלוכה כו'
In order for G-d To draw his sovereignty upon you
להיות דבר"ה הוא עליית המלכות
Therefore, Rosh Hashanah is the time when Malchus descends
שעולה בעצמות אוא״ס,
In Atzmus Or Ein Sof waiting for the Jewish people to re-crown Hashem
וכמ"ש תקעו בחדש שופר בכסה כו'
As it’s sated “Blow the horn on the new moon, on the full moon for our feast day”
כס ה,
Kes’eh (on the full moon)
The term "Kes'eh" is formed from the words "Kes" (כס) and "Hey" (ה), which together compose "כסה," meaning "concealment." "Kes" signifies concealing, akin to the word "כיסוי" (meaning concealment), while the letter "Hey" represents the Sefirah of Malchus, which embodies God's sovereignty. Therefore, Rosh Hashanah is referred to as Kes'eh because on this day, the Sefirah of Malchus is completely concealed within the Infinite Light (Or Ein Sof).
דבחי' מלכות מתכסה ומתעלם בהעלם העצמי דאוא״ס כו'.
On Rosh Hashanah the level of Malchus is concealed and hidden, as Or Ein Sof is completely hidden.
והיינו דבחי' מלכות דאצי'
What do we mean that Malchus of Atzilus is hidden (?)
שמתפשטת בעולמות בי"ע
How Malchus stops to affect and spread to the worlds of Be’yah
להיות בבחי' מלך על עם כו',
Through Be’yah, G-d can be king upon the nation.
הנה בליל ר"ה מסתלק בחי' פנימיות האור והחיות דבחי' מלכות,
On the first night of Rosh Hashanah the internal light and vitality of Malchus descend
והו"ע בחי' הרצון למלוכה כו',
This is from G-d's will to rule. Hence without his will to rule Malchus won't come back down.
דבחי' הרצון והתענוג שבמלכות זהו הפנימיות שבה,
As the internal part of Malchus is G-ds will and pleasure
Every creation comprises both an external and an internal aspect. The external aspect refers to the physical body, while the internal aspect pertains to the soul. Similarly, metaphorically speaking, Malchus also has two components: its internal and external manifestations.
ובחי' זו עולה ומסתלק למעלה מעלה
And the level of G-ds will and pleasure descends above up high on the first night of Rosh Hashanah
בבחי' מלכות דא"ס כמו שהיא קודם הצמצום,
This level of G-ds will and pleasure descends above up high in Malchus D’Ein Sof how it is Before the Tzimtzum
וכמו שכלולה בעצמותו ממש,
How it is included in G-d himself
ונק' מלך יחיד,
This is called one
והוא בחי' מל' כמו שהיא בעצמות אוא"ס שיחיד ומיוחד כו'.
And this level of Malchus descends above up high as it is in Atzmus Or Erin Sof is completely united and harmony
וכמ"ש במ"א בענין מה שלפעמים אומרים יחיד חי העולמים מלך,
As it is said elsewhere with regard when we occasionally say “You are the only one- the life of all the worlds”.
ולפעמים אומרים מלך יחיד כו',
And occasionally we say the only king
דפי' יחיד חי העולמים [מלך] הוא,
The explanation of “You are the only one- the life of all the worlds”
שאוא"ס הוא יחיד ומיוחד בתכלית,
That is to say Or Ein Sof is fundamentally united and Harmonized
וחי העולמים הוא רק מבחי' מלך,
However, When it is written “You are the life of all words”, it is only in reference to the level how G-d is just as a king
היינו בחי' מלכות דא"ס כמו שהוא לאחר הצמצום כו',
Meaning, Malchus D’Ein Sof how it exits before the Tzimtzum
ומ"ש מלך יחיד
However, when it is written you are the only king
היינו בחי' מלכות כמו שהיא כלולה בבחי' אוא"ס יחיד ומיוחד כו'יי
That is to say the level of Malchus, how it is included in Or Ein Sof United and harmonized.
To understand the significance of the shofar on Rosh Hashanah, especially when it falls on Shabbos , we must first grasp the essence of blowing the shofar on this day. Rosh Hashanah marks the renewal of God's sovereignty, highlighted by the creation of Adam, which established God's rule over humanity. This day involves the concealment of the Sefirah of Malchus within the Infinite Light. The internal aspect of Malchus, representing God's will and pleasure, ascends to its primordial state in the Infinite Light.