What is a hemshech:

Initially, a Hemshech was introduced by the Rebbe Maharash. Writing Chassidus in the form of Hemshech’em.

A Hemshech is a Mammor elaboration of one Mammer would dovetail into the next, 

Whereupon Chassidus written by the Alter Rebbe and on, are merely independent Mamorim, not continuing from the proceeding Mammer as a Hemshech for example Torah Or, Likutei Torah, and similar works.

However, we do find Mamorim which is an explanation of a previous Mammor, seeming like a Hemshech. An example would be the Mammor “L’hoven b’etosefes beor.” Where is only an explanation of the previous Mammor, not a continuation from the preceding Mammor like a Hemshech.

Periodically, after studying two Mammorim, one may find a connection from one to the other.

Furthermore, the Chassidus was written by the Mitteler Rebbe, “Torah’s Chaim”, each mammer being an idea for itself, and is not a continuation from the preceding Mammor.

Henceforth, he also has many explanations on a single topic. For example, “Sharie orah”, is a single explanation of Chanukah and Purim. However they are not in a form of multiple Mammorim continuing from the preceding one, but rather one long continuous Mammor.

Additionally, we find by the Rebbe the Tzemach Tzedek, how each of his Mammorim is only a concept in itself.

Whereupon, historically, the Rebbe Maharash founded a Hemshech. Henceforth continuing to his son the Rebbe Rashab, and lead to his son the Frediker Rebbe, and then the Rebbe. 

The difference between the Mamorim written until 5665 and onwards

[From the Sichos of the Frideker Rebbe 5689.] 

In the written Hemshechim of our teacher, our master of blessed memory [The Rebbe Rashab.] There are differences throughout the year of 5665. 

Until year 5665, the Hemshechim were at Length and more elaborative. Onward the Hemshechim are gradually concise and cryptic.

However, the Hemshechim from the year 5665 are filled with satisfaction and much more light.



The introduction from the Rebbe in the year 5742:

-  First printing -

According to the instructions of the Rebbe Shlita, we will be printing “safer Mamorim - 5665” of the Rebbe Rashab of blessed memory.

This safer includes what was said (or written) throughout the year of 5665.  It will be printed - for the first time (with the exemption of Hemshech Rosh Hashana, and Shevuos, published in Kuper and similar.) 

It is taken from the handwriting of the Rebbe Rashab of blessed memory.

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In the beginning of the safer 1) The index and the glossary - is copied from the Rebbe Rashab of blessed memory. 2) There are two  photos from the physical handwriting of the Rebbe Rashab of blessed memory. 

At the end of the safer there are 1) Hanachos from the Mamorim 5665, “V’elo yodah esh es Kevorto” Simchas Torah at the Sudah; Padah Be’shalom - 20 Kislev; Ki Tezeh - Tezeh. 2) Sichos Simchas Torah 5665. 3) Sichos from the Frediker Rebbe of blessed memory. 4) The introduction from the Rebbe Shlitah, to Ze’chor es asher asah. 5) The index and comments on Tanya are found in the Mamorim of year 5665 - by the Rebbe Shlita.

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The comments, or footnotes  for “Ze’chor es asher asah” - from the Rebbe Shlita. The rest of the comments that are in the footnotes are compiled by the printers.